Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Apple’s Iconic Launch and other big marketing events are around the corner. That means you have to get your e-commerce ready for big usage, triple orders and a rock solid marketing plan. Therefore you need to boost Live Streams and Social Commerce on these special dates. Let us help you with that! We’re combining some easy-to-use steps for you to get started.
Let customers know you’re out there
In the ‘Pre-production’ phase it’s necessary to create awareness with (potential) customers and the way to do that is to engage with them.
- Identify customers with a higher value: predict the purchase intention of any web visitor and talk only to the people that actually need help with Whisbi Boost.
- Set up a protocol for pre-orders: wet up a clear policy so customers know what to expect.
Tell your story through Social Commerce
In the second phase or as we like to call it, the Production phase, we’re focusing on Storytelling to engage with your customers and your network during the live stream. The most important bullet points here are:
- In order to engage, you need to open the event to your community and answer any questions they might have.
- Use Ad Space in order to generate upselling on accessoires. This customization tool allows you to create tailored adverts with customizable call to actions to enhance conversions by displaying relevant items to your customers during live broadcasts.
Nurturing is vital
In the Post Production phase, it’s all about nurturing and re-engaging with your audience. Keep the attention of your (potential) customers: create an online video series where you answer frequently asked questions by customers, offer them a newsletter with highlights and offers, and mirror your live streams on multiple sites.
With the stakes so high, it’s worth taking a moment to understand what customer expectations are. Here’s a fast view on what you need to know to get sharp on big events and the future of personalization. Download the full PDF version to make sure you’ve got it all covered!